Why Tales of the Retro?

Why not?

A while ago, someone told me that writing a blog about yourself and your own experiences sounded a bit narcissistic and nobody would have an interest in reading it. That stuck in my mind for quite some time and took out all motivation I had to start creating content for what would become this blog. 

When I decided to write about retro gaming, I browsed the internet for content regarding this subject. I came across a huge amount of retro gaming content creators, but most of them were talking about historical facts and reviewing games, consoles, and peripherals. I appreciate all of that, but the thing I enjoy is listening, watching, and reading about people's own experiences. And eventually came across a few of these, but usually, they mix their memories with a review/ fix of something. I would like to see people talk more about what they felt when playing a particular game for the first time or when they got a certain console for Christmas.

I don't expect the general public to agree with me, but regarding retro content, the nostalgia factor each one of us has makes it meaningful. At least that's what I think…


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